Cold Springs Station is a historic Pony Express Station and Resort that sits at the base of the Desatoya Mountains, along US Highway 50, The Loneliest Road in America. It is approximately 45 miles east of Fallon.
This OHV-friendly Resort has a restaurant and bar, motel, convenience store and campground with RV hookups and water available. It is a great staging point for Off-Road Adventures. There are also several unimproved or dispersed campsites, with different degrees of accessibility.
The area is popular with the locals, with a lot of historic ranch ruins. Frequent springs and seasonal streams create narrow, oasis-like belts of lush green growth. Gates and fences are frequent, and the trails are often unmaintained. Climbing out of the lush canyons, visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the surrounding mountain ranges and valleys. Birdwatching is a particularly popular pastime here, and there is even a signed bird-spotting area near Big Den Creek, Southwest of Desatoya Peak.
Points of Interest include the Cold Springs Pony Express Station and historic mining sites such as the Wonder Mind and Eagleville. The Desatoya Mountains are fairly rugged, so trails will vary in elevation, surface type and difficulty.
The closest lodging and staging area to the trails is at Cold Springs Station. Here you can find a motel, restaurant and RV camping spaces.
Stop and grab lunch at the one and only Middlegate Station. This historic saloon is sure to give you an authentic Nevada experience.
Given that portions of the Cold Springs area are near designated wilderness, only hikers and equestrians are allowed within the wilderness boundary. Motorized and mechanized use is only permitted on surrounding non-wilderness trails. Please be respectful of the wilderness boundary and only travel on designated roads and trails for your activity type. Horses are allowed and only certified weed free hay can be brought in.
The closest gas stations are located in Fallon and Austin.
For more information visit the BLM website or contact:
Bureau of Land Management - Stillwater Field OfficeTo reach the Cold Springs Pony Express Station from Fallon:
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