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Genoa Trail System

If you're looking for a good and challenging hike, this is the trail system for you!
Trail Uses
Hiking Mountain biking Horseback riding
Douglas County
17.50 miles (Network)
Permitted on Leash


The Genoa trail system is filled with fun and challenging day hikes with very rewarding views the entire way. Whether you hike to the summit or just take the loop trail you will not be disappointed. 

The trail system is made up of 3 major trails; the Sierra Canyon trail, the Genoa Loop, and the Eagle Ridge Loop. The trail system can be accessed from three separate trail heads. The southern access is at the end of Carson Street at a small parking area and trailhead kiosk. This trailhead gives direct access to the Genoa Loop trail. The middle trail access point is via Snowshoe Lane. Parking for this trailhead is available at the intersection of Snowshoe Lane and Centennial Drive. This trailhead gives direct access to the Sierra Canyon trail and both loops. The northern access point is at the Eagle Ridge Trailhead via Eagle Ridge Road. Take the steep and narrow paved road just past the water tank. There is a small parking area and a trailhead kiosk.

Sierra Canyon Trail: 

The Sierra Canyon Trail is a long and strenuous 10 mile, one-way, trail that connect to the Tahoe Rim Trail. Total elevation gain /loss along this trail is about 3800 ft. If you plan to do this trail in one day, make sure to plan accordingly and start early in the morning! To hike this trail just one way, it is recommended to shuttle a vehicle and park at the Kingsbury North trailhead or the Spooner Summit Trailhead and leave another car at the Sierra Canyon trailhead or Eagle Ridge Trailhead. This trail is open to Mountain bikers, hikers and equestrians. Trailer parking is available at the intersection of Centennial Drive and Foothill Road or the intersection of Eagle Ridge Road and Timberline Road.

Genoa Loop: 

The Genoa Loop begins off of Carson Street in Genoa. Total elevation gain/loss is about 1550 ft. When starting from this trailhead the terrain has very steep drop-offs and not recommended for horses or mountain bikers. An alternative route for horses and mountain bikers would be to start at the Sierra Canyon trailhead and then turn around when the drop-offs become much steeper. If done in a loop, the trail is about 8.5 miles long and passes through downtown Genoa. Make sure to reward yourself at the end with a cocktail or lunch! Trailer parking is available at the intersection of Centennial Drive and Foothill Road. To shorten the distance by 1.2 miles and avoid walking on roads through town, you could shuttle vehicles between the Genoa Canyon and Sierra Canyon trailheads. 

Eagle Ridge Loop: 

The Eagle Ridge Loop is about 6.5 miles total with a total elevation gain/loss of 1000 ft. The trail begins on Timberline Road just off of Eagle Ridge Road. Auto parking is available above the water tank and trailer parking is available at the intersection of Timberline Road and Eagle Ridge Road below the water tank. The Eagle Loop connects to the Sierra Canyon trail and heads south down the mountain at the intersection of all 3 trails (Genoa Loop, Sierra Canyon and Eagle Ridge). Depending on the trail head you take, the loop will need to be completed via Centennial Drive, Foothill Road and Eagle Ridge road. To make it easier, you could shuttle vehicles between the Eagle Ridge and Sierra Canyon Trailheads to avoid walking on the road. 


Other Information

No OHV's or motor vehicles allowed on any of these trails. 

Other trails in the area include the Historic Pony Express trail, the Mormon Station State Historic Park, River Fork Ranch and the paves Genoa Vista trail. 

Dogs must be kept on a leash near residential areas. 

There is no parking allowed on Snowshoe Lane. Please park at the intersection of Snowshoe Lane and Centennial Drive. 

For visitor information on the town of Genoa, visit their website!

Visit the Carson Valley website for more fun events, lodging and other unique outdoor experiences!

For equestrian specific information, visit Nevada Horse Trails!

Trail Manager

For additional information visit the Carson Valley Trails Association website or contact:

Carson Valley Trails Association

Carson Valley Trails Association
P.O. Box 222
Minden, NV 89423
View website

US Forest Service - Carson Ranger District

US Forest Service - Carson Ranger District
1536 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (775) 882-2766
View website


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Trailhead Information

The trail system can be accessed from three separate trail heads. The most popular trail access point is at the end of Carson Street. There is a large parking area and trailhead kiosk. This trailhead gives direct access to the Genoa Loop trail. The second trail access point is via Snowshoe Lane. Parking for this trailhead is available at the intersection of Snowshoe Lane and Centennial Drive. This trailhead gives direct access to the Sierra Canyon trail. The last access point is via Eagle Ridge Road. Take the steep and narrow road up to the water tanks and past the gate. There is a small parking area and a trailhead kiosk around the corner from the parking area. 

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Trail Alerts

Be BearWise
March 1 – November 11

Bear activity is high in this area. Keep (people) (pets) (property) safe. Keep bears wild. For more information on the BearWise campaign, visit the Recreate Responsibly page, or click on this link to learn how to be BearWise in the outdoors. 


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